Grow and make your own charcoal in half the time at half the cost!

An indigenous acacia tree can start producing, with less the 800mm of rain per year, up to one bag of hardwood charcoal using only the branches under a coppicing regime within appx.10 years.

Nor should it be too expensive either when you use tree seedballs from

It's never too late or too far to start planting your own wood-energy.
Or you can even use maize cobs to make charcoal! (Learn more here
With no need to bother with expensive briquetting - just use the branch charcoal as is in an energy saving cookstove!

And by using an modern Cookswell mini-kiln -(from you can now make your own charcoal from only the branches and twigs from trees - or even maize cobs and coconut husk!!

And now collect a free wood preservative by trapping the smoke to make free wood vinegar and Stockholm Tar! 

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